Which Yoga Poses Prevent Lower-Back Pain?
Although standing orients your spine into proper posture, standing for too long can cause back pain. Incorporating a yoga routine can help relieve pain.
Start in Downward-Facing Dog
lower into Chaturanga Dandasana,
and finish in Upward Dog.
Repeat twice. When you're at your desk, it's wise to alternate sitting and standing, so use a desk with an adjustable height. Or if you have a standing desk, get a taller chair, so you can alternate sitting and standing every few hours throughout the course of the day
I switched to a standing desk, but I often get lower-back aches. Which yoga poses can prevent the pain?
Working at a standing desk orients your spine into proper posture—your chin is parallel to the floor and your belly is firm. But standing for too long (even with good posture) can also place pressure on your lower back, as it's forced to engage muscles that run along the length of your spine. Incorporating a twice-daily yoga routine can help improve posture, and relieve back pain. Practice upon waking in the morning and again in the afternoon.Start in Downward-Facing Dog
roll through to Plank,
lower into Chaturanga Dandasana,
and finish in Upward Dog.
Repeat twice. When you're at your desk, it's wise to alternate sitting and standing, so use a desk with an adjustable height. Or if you have a standing desk, get a taller chair, so you can alternate sitting and standing every few hours throughout the course of the day
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