Vrksasana, or Tree Pose, is one of the first postures any yogi learns. It seems simple enough, but is physically challenging for the hips, balance, ankles, and feet. It can also change daily depending on many emotional factors like your general mood, the day you’ve had, the amount of sleep you got, interactions that happened right before practice, and so much more. Overall, Tree Pose is chock full of juicy goodness, and is one of those foundational postures that every yogi should return to as much as possible. Here are a few of the many delicious holistic benefits of Tree Pose: Cool Off and Slow Down Even just a few breaths in Tree Pose help ground you if you are having a whirlwind week. It creates peace in your mind and in your body, and is a wonderful way to slow down when life gets overwhelming. Curbing anxiety and stress is just one of the emotional responses this posture encourages, and it naturally cools you off and balances the fight or flight response. Take Tre...
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